Bandwidth, Sandwich, Bandwich

A system of cutting-edge sensors connected to each other, easily configurable and adaptable to every single need.


The design of our hardware has been designed to be flexible and adaptable to any need. The vertical modular add-on is designed for a development path that will meet the most various requirements over time.

Ready for the future

And what if it will be released in a few years a new radio protocol for the IoT world? It’s easy! Our development path will allow you to upgrade by replacing or adding components that can support future IoT networks without replacing the entire device.


Would you like an add-on module that can meet your needs? Contact us to take on your path to development! We will provide our experts to help in the definition of components and features based on your industry.

Energy efficiency

The possibility of powering the device via micro-USB allows it to be connected to any source of energy. Additional rechargeable batteries are perfect to define the device’s lifespan without power or back-up power in case of blackouts.


Radio Module

The BW-Z170410 Radio Module is equipped with a micro-controller with 868 MHz built-in radio module, as well as a CPU where there are also connected the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules which, if any, may be required on the same CPU. The front is equipped with IIC bus for the management of add-on expansion modules. The CPU also has a CR2032 buffer battery, which is useful in case you want to keep the RTCC time when there is no power, or if it would be used in Tag mode. It is equipped with micro-USB for serial communication and power supply. In case you want to operate using battery power, you must instead add the Battery-Pack expansion module. In this case, th power supply may come from the micro-USB connector or the battery module.


Battery Pack Add–On

The Z170420 Battery module is capable of charging a lithium battery based on its correct charge profile, and also giving indications on the battery state (charged, charging, presence of input voltage). It will be also possible to simultaneously install the battery modules in order to increase the system’s general length. Each battery module has a micro-USB connector for powering the charger thus limiting the absorptions on the single USB power supply and complying with the consumption standards (MAX 500 mA of 5V).


Add–On Battery Pack

Il modulo Batteria Z170420 è in grado di caricare una batteria al litio secondo il suo corretto profilo di carica, dando anche indicazioni sullo stato della batteria (carica, in carica, presenza di tensione in ingresso). Sarà inoltre possibile installare più moduli batteria contemporaneamente al fine di aumentare la durata totale del funzionamento del sistema. Ogni modulo batteria dispone di un connettore micro-USB per alimentare il caricabatteria limitando così gli assorbimenti sul singolo alimentatore USB e rispettando gli standard di consumo (MAX 500 mA su 5V).


Environment Add–On

The BW-Z170430 Environment module has a triaxial accelerometer, triaxial gyroscope and sensors for the luminosity, temperature and relative humidity. All sensors are equipped with IIC bus and can directly communicate with the CPU module. The triaxial accelerometer can be set with a minimum value below which the detection is not taken into consideration.


Energy Meter Add–On

The Z170440 Energy Meter module allows to manage a charge via 220V 12 A RELAY and to measure the current absorbed by the charge. This module is controlled by a micro-controller that deals with the reading of the current on the charge, communicating with the CPU module on the IIC bus. The module is able to process the calculations both in the case of direct current and alternating current. Through the relay, it is possible to open and interrupt the current flow on the line.


Add–On Energy Meter

Il modulo Energy Meter Z170440 consente di gestire un carico tramite RELE 220V 12 A e di misurare la corrente assorbita dal carico. Questo modulo è controllato da un microcontrollore che si occupa della lettura delle correnti sul carico, dialogando con il modulo CPU sul bus IIC. Il modulo è in grado di elaborare i calcoli sia in caso di corrente continua che di corrente alternata. Tramite il relè è possibile aprire e interrompere il passaggio di corrente sulla linea.


Expansion Add–On

The BW-Z170441 Expansion module allows to read a two-channel sensor with + 5V power supply. This module is controlled by a micro-controller which deals with the sensor drive and reading, communicating with the CPU module on the IIC bus. Once the sensor is connected to the socket, it is sufficient, through the configuration application, to define its type and properties, in order to adapt the firmware reading. One of the available firmware is the one that allows the module to read up to two digital flow meters or a squaring flow meter calculating the RPM, the total and partial counter after setting the pulses/turns.


Dali Add–On

The BW-Z170800 Dali module allows to add to the system, thus to control, one or more LED light points equipped with DALI driver. The module allows converting received messages from one of the radio communication protocols to a DALI bus. It is possible to select the Dali configuration that you want by using a Master or a Slave. The Dali protocol’s conversion is carried out by a micro-controller that can also manage the change of Master/Slave mode. In Master mode, the module is also capable of powering the bus without having to add an external Dali power supply, while in Slave mode, the module communicates on the bus in opto-insulated mode. For use in Master mode, it is necessary to provide a DC voltage of between 10 and 22 V to the module itself.


Add–On Dali

Il modulo Dali BW-Z170445 permette di aggiungere al sistema e quindi di controllare uno o più punti luce LED dotati di driver DALI. Il modulo consente di convertire i messaggi ricevuti da uno dei protocolli di comunicazione radio verso un bus DALI. È possibile scegliere la configurazione Dali che si preferisce utilizzando o un Master o uno Slave. La conversione del protocollo Dali è effettuata da un microcontrollore che può anche gestire il cambio di modalità Master/Slave. Nella modalità Master, il modulo è in grado anche di alimentare il bus senza dover aggiungere un alimentatore Dali esterno, mentre nella modalità Slave, il modulo dialoga sul bus in modo optoisolato. Per l’utilizzo in modalità Master è necessario fornire una tensione continua compresa tra 10 e 22 V al modulo stesso.

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